Vision Based Modalities

Helping Girl Occupational Therapy

Right Starts Occupational Therapy Child Patient Working On ActivityThe visual system is one of the most overlooked and underrated root causes to many issues that impact a person’s ability to function optimally. Vision is most often understood as acuity…how effectively the eye can see. But vision is also how the brain perceives and makes sense of what the eye is seeing. It helps us understand our environment and where we are in space. An underactive brain/eye connection can result in issues with eye-teaming, focusing, convergence, eye-hand coordination, visual tracking, visual processing speed and more. Deficits in these areas can have a debilitating impact on a developing child and is often misdiagnosed as a behavioral or attention based learning problem.  

At Right Starts, our approach includes addressing the visual system by integrating visual activation methods with whole body exercises. With simple activation techniques, the visual system becomes stabilized and is ready to effectively take on the demands of it’s role in the sensory system.  A stabilized visual system is able to interpret the information coming into the eyes and organize it properly in the brain. This results in reading and comprehending with ease, writing legibly, finding objects in the environment without difficulty, tolerating competing environments without strain, refined hand eye coordination, decreased fatigue, feeling more calm and confident, etc. 

It is important to note that some patients may experience visual challenges that require further diagnostic assessment and treatment from a neuro-developmental optometrist. We will be certain to make this recommendation if it’s warranted. 

Vision Based Modalities Can Help Many Limitations

Vision based modalities are especially helpful for children and adults with the following functional limitations: 

  • Attention Challenges
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Behavioral Challenges
  • Sloppy or Illegible Handwriting 
  • Experiencing Fatigue and/or Headaches During School, Work or Prolonged Computer Time 
  • Heightened Anxiety (Especially in Public, Crowded or Over Stimulating Environments) 
  • Poor Posture 
  • Dizziness or Car Sickness 
  • Muscle Tension in Neck and Shoulders
  • TMJ

Interested in how Vision Based Modalities could benefit you? Schedule a free consultation online or call (732) 701-7768.

Explore Our Other Modalities

Brain Based Modalities

Brain Based Modalities

At Right Starts, we value “neurological readiness”. We believe in activating the brain and regulating the nervous system prior to working on functional skills and utilize a variety of modalities in order to do so. With proper neurological activation and organization in place, patients are then able to engage in new learning and take on challenging tasks with greater success.

Funcational Modalities

Functional Modalities

Optimal outcomes come fastest by addressing the body in its entirety. Our Functional Modalities allow us to get “right to the root” of the interferences that are impacting the inner terrain of the body and begin promoting healing. By supporting proper detoxification, healing the gut, clearing emotions and releasing tension patterns within the fascial system, lasting changes are made.
Vision Based Modalities

Vision Based Modalities

Interferences in the visual system can have a huge impact on a person and are often the root cause of attention deficits, learning challenges, headache disorders, difficulties with gait and balance, etc. We incorporate multiple modalities to activate and strengthen the visual system as a way to engage the entire sensory system within each treatment. 

Right Starts Occupational Therapist Healing Pathways

Pathways to Healing

Beginning a wellness journey can often feel like entering uncharted territory. At Right Starts, we come alongside our patients and their caregivers to co-create a course of treatment prioritizing the individual needs and goals of our patients. Drawing on our unique perspective as holistic OTs and parents ourselves, we help our patients find the most direct pathway to success. Our respect for the intricate connectedness of the human body drives our passion for finding the root causes to our patient’s challenges and employing a multitude of holistic modalities to address those challenges on a foundational level. We call our treatment a “Healing Pathway”. Each patient’s personalized pathway serves as a guide through the various stages of wellness and development.
